Our Story

Global Products Distributors started June 2018. Born out of a need for a healthier society and environment.  GPD realize that we are all responsible for the damage we do to our bodies and to the environment and the harmful effects of food and products on our bodies. We recognize that there is a major problem with the plastics and paper on the environment. The lakes, rivers, oceans and landfills are filled with products that harm the natural ecological system. We decided to develop products made of bamboo that would be eco- friendly, cost effective, readily available and biodegradable. Currently 28 states have banned the use of plastic straws and this is just the beginning. Many other household products made of plastic and paper are used and are harmful to the environment. Our company will provide eco - friendly products to major retailers; along with low caloric, low sodium and low carbohydrate food products. Making a difference in the world.

We  would like to expand the business globally and provide jobs for local residents and mentorship to young entrepreneurs wanting to establish a business.We would like to target young adults who age out of the juvenile justice system; from foster care and delinquency and  provide entry level jobs and employment readiness training and financial literacy training, We will provide the opportunity for advancement and skills that will enable them to be prepared for their next job or career.  Our mission is to make a difference in the lives of this population with the additional resources from this business.